Ucenter Dress lack decorated items to wear of the cocktail

This is a bit TMI but I don't know what else to do. I'm 32 almost 33weeks pregnant,second child. about a week and a half ago I had a sharp, stabbing constant pain behind my belly button, I figured it was just baby laying on a nerve or something it lasted about 3days or so, well fast forward to 4days ago (not sure if the pain is related but figured I'd mention) my hemorrhoids started acting up, so I figured I'd start using cream to help, well now 4days later, I'm miserable! I ... literally feel like I just had a baby! They are bleeding, and feel like a golf ball (sorry I know it's gross) I can't sit, I can barely walk, or stand, and heaven forbid if I have to bend over. I've tried everything, soaking in Epsom salts, warm baths, cream, even tried mocking a sitz bath, ice, cold wash cloths. I'm miserable and my Dr is currently on vacation out of the country, and her practitioners answer for EVERYTHING is "it's normal" and I've had issues with hemorrhoids before but never this sever and lasted this long and they've never been this swollen. Any recommendations would be wonderful!!!! Ucenter Dress lack decorated items to wear of the cocktail

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